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  • How to convince your management team not to rely solely on AI as a language service

    Smart implementation of AI in your translation process 

    The world is witnessing a surge in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for language applications, such as translation and localization, with the promise of efficient and cost-effective solutions across various languages and sectors. While AI appears to offer enticing benefits to your management team at the outset, it's important to recognize the limitations of these technologies. Below, we’ll explain the downsides of solely relying on AI translation tools and offer ways to achieve a balanced approach that leverages both human expertise and AI

    The pitfalls of relying only on AI as a language service  

    AI language services are still under development, and their capabilities have limitations. One major challenge lies in accurately capturing context and nuances within a language. AI struggles to understand humor and cultural references that often leads to misinterpreted translations. For example, when relying solely on AI to translate a marketing campaign slogan, AI will translate the words literally, missing the intended tone and cultural relevance, leading to an ineffective campaign. 

    Another pitfall is ensuring absolute accuracy. AI translation tools are trained on vast datasets of text, but these datasets contain errors or biases. This can lead to inaccurate translations, especially in technical fields with specific terminology. 

    The value of AI as a tool 

    When used as a tool, AI can pre-translate large volumes of basic text, saving translators time and effort that can be better spent on complex tasks that require linguistic expertise. 

    At Attached, we've seen firsthand the success of using AI in translation. By leveraging AI for pre-translation, our translators can focus on fine-tuning the message, ensuring accuracy and adapting it to resonate with the target audience. This approach has led to faster turnaround times, increased efficiency and consistently high-quality translations. 

    Balancing the use of AI  

    Integrating AI tools requires a strategic approach. The key lies in finding the right balance between automation and human involvement. A comprehensive language strategy tailors solutions to specific needs. Consider the target audience, the purpose of the content and the level of accuracy or creativity required.  

    It's important to remember, however, that not all content is created equal. AI translation might be suitable for basic product descriptions or website FAQs, but it falls short for creative content that requires a human touch. Marketing slogans, website copy and other creative materials often rely on wordplay, cultural references and specific tones that can be lost in AI translation. Similarly, highly technical documents like manuals or legal translations demand precision and accuracy that AI may struggle with. In such cases, human translation, editing, or copywriting services might be more appropriate.  

    Consulting with language experts at Attached can help you build a multilingual strategy and determine the best approach for each project, so you achieve the desired results. 

    Communicating with Management 

    Convincing management to adopt a balanced approach requires clear communication. Focus on the limitations of relying solely on AI and share real-world examples of AI translation mishaps. Emphasize the importance of maintaining accuracy, quality and cultural relevance in translations in regard to your brand and house style. 

    Address potential concerns – for example, that AI translations are faster and cheaper. While true for basic tasks, highlight the long-term costs of potential inaccuracies and the reputational damage they can cause. In the long run, human-AI collaboration brings a more profound and natural engagement with your audience, ultimately leading to a more effective and efficient approach, 

    Combine Humans and AI as a language service for optimal results 

    The rise of AI shouldn't diminish the value of human expertise in translation. Human translators using AI as a tool are the key to achieving high-quality, accurate and culturally relevant translations. By leveraging the strengths of both, you can achieve greater efficiency while ensuring your message resonates with your global audience. Embrace the power of technology, but never underestimate the irreplaceable role of human knowledge and judgment in the translation process. 


    Build a winning multilingual strategy! Contact Attached for expert guidance on leveraging AI and human expertise for your translation needs.