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  • Letter from Toronto Pt II Anticipating clear skies

    After 2 weeks of quarantine – they actually flew by because it was just like working from home with the added bonus of learning how to cross-country ski – I finally arrived in Toronto last Sunday.

    My first impression was that I found it more bustling than I expected during a ‘stay at home’ order, but maybe that was because it was a Sunday. Still, many of the eateries and restaurants were open for takeout and delivery and there were lines in front of stores for curbside pick-ups.

    But during this week I saw that the lockdown especially affects the small shopowners that are depending on commuters and travellers for their business. Because of the dramatic decline of people being ‘out and about’, suddenly a business model that has existed for literally ages seems out of touch with our current reality. And although I admire the perseverance of these SMEs enormously, some of them really have to adapt in order to survive.

    That’s what I also discuss during my meetings with clients and business relations here in Canada. Covid-19 has propelled a massive change in consumer behaviour resulting in a strong demand for online accessibility. Companies have come to rely on their online presence, appearance and credibility like never before. And if they want to attract or retain consumers from other markets, the localization of their content should be in tip-top order.

    I’ve also finished preparing our Attached office, so hopefully within the foreseeable future we will be able to have more in-person conversations while having coffee in one of the nicely decorated communal spaces at Spaces Queen West – where our office is located.

    Matthijs Kooijman in Toronto

    As any snowstorm in Toronto will be followed by clear-blue skies, let’s trust that this COVID-19 storm will end soon and the future will be a very clear sky for everybody.